Choose the answer.

For working 13 hours you earned $45.50 and $94.50 for 27 hours. What is your rate of pay in dollars per hour?

Question 4 options:

14 dollars per hour

3.50 dollars per hour

6.50 dollars per hour

2.07 dollars per hour

To find the rate of pay in dollars per hour, we can divide the total earned by the total hours worked.

For the first scenario of working 13 hours and earning $45.50, the rate of pay is $45.50 / 13 hours = $3.50 per hour.

For the second scenario of working 27 hours and earning $94.50, the rate of pay is $94.50 / 27 hours = $3.50 per hour.

Therefore, the answer is 3.50 dollars per hour.