George went to the store to buy notebooks he had $36 to spend he purchased four notebooks after buying the notebooks George has less than $12 left what is the solution for x the cost of each notebook

Let's assume the cost of each notebook is x dollars.

The total amount George spent on notebooks is 4x dollars.
After buying the notebooks, George has 36 - 4x dollars left.
We are given that George has less than $12 left.
So, 36 - 4x < 12.
Subtracting 36 from both sides: -4x < 12 - 36
Simplifying the right side of the inequality: -4x < -24
Now, we divide both sides by -4 (since we are dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality will flip):
x > -24 / -4
Simplifying the right side of the inequality: x > 6
Therefore, the cost of each notebook is greater than $6.