George went to the store to buy notebooks he had $36 to spend he purchased four notebooks at the bonding notebook was Georgia's less than $12 left what is the solution set for it because of each notebook

Let's assume the cost of each notebook as x dollars.

George purchased 4 notebooks, so the total cost of the notebooks can be expressed as 4x dollars.

According to the problem, the total cost of the notebooks was less than $12 left, which can be represented as:

4x < 12

Now, we know that George had $36 to spend.

The amount left after purchasing the notebooks can be expressed as 36 - 4x dollars.

We can set up an inequality to represent this:

36 - 4x > 0

Simplifying this inequality, we get:

-4x > -36

Dividing both sides by -4, we get:

x < 9

Therefore, the cost of each notebook must be less than $9 for George to have less than $12 left.

So, the solution set for the cost of each notebook (x) is:

0 < x < 9