ypes of transition words include __________, sequence, and compare and contrast.

A plot diagramplot diagram
B cause and effectcause and effect
C literal and figurativeliteral and figurative
D narrative and expositorynarrative and expository
Question 3
Read both sentences.

Dahlia played basketball at the park. She went to the shoe store.

Which underlined transition word would BEST connect the two sentences together?

A Dahlia played basketball at the park. Then, she went to the shoe store.Dahlia played basketball at the park. Then , she went to the shoe store.
B Dahlia played basketball at the park. In fact, she went to the shoe store.Dahlia played basketball at the park. In fact , she went to the shoe store.
C Dahlia played basketball at the park. Thus, she went to the shoe store.Dahlia played basketball at the park. Thus , she went to the shoe store.
D Dahlia played basketball at the park. Nevertheless, she went to the shoe store.Dahlia played basketball at the park. Nevertheless , she went to the shoe store.
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The correct answers are:

Question 2:
Types of transition words include sequence, and compare and contrast. (B)

Question 3:
Dahlia played basketball at the park. Then, she went to the shoe store. (A)