A political system in which the people play a much greater role in deciding who the rulers are and what decisions are made; "people power".

The political system you are referring to is commonly known as "direct democracy." In a direct democracy, the power to make decisions and select leaders rests directly with the people. This means that individuals have the opportunity to participate directly in political decision-making processes rather than relying solely on elected representatives.

Direct democracy provides citizens with various avenues to voice their opinions and influence governance. One common form is the use of referendums or initiatives, where citizens can propose and vote on specific policy changes or decisions. Through these mechanisms, the people can bypass the traditional legislative process and directly impact how their society is governed.

Direct democracy also emphasizes civic engagement and encourages citizens to actively participate in public affairs. It may involve regular town hall meetings, public consultations, or online platforms where individuals can provide input on various issues. By involving a broader range of perspectives, direct democracy aims to ensure that policy decisions align more closely with the preferences and needs of the population.

While direct democracy allows for greater citizen involvement, it also presents certain challenges. For instance, it can be logistically difficult to include everyone's voice in decision-making processes, particularly in large populations. It can also be time-consuming and requires citizens to be adequately informed about complex issues.

Switzerland is an example of a country where direct democracy is practiced at a significant level, with citizens having the power to vote on various issues. Additionally, some countries utilize elements of direct democracy, such as the use of referendums, to complement representative democracy.

Ultimately, the concept of "people power" in politics signifies a system in which citizens have a substantial influence in shaping their government and the policies it pursues.