short definitions less then 50 words for:

block grant
categorical grant
Civil Rights Act of 1964
commerce clause
cooperative federalism
federal grants
Incorporation Doctrine
matching funds
No Child Left Behind
revenue sharing
States’ Rights

- Block grant: a large sum of money granted to the states by the federal government with few restrictions on how it can be used.

- Categorical grant: a grant from the federal government to the states that is specific to a particular program or area of need.
- Civil Rights Act of 1964: federal legislation that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and ended segregation in public places.
- Commerce clause: a clause in the US Constitution that gives Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce.
- Cooperative federalism: a system of government where the federal and state governments work together to solve problems and provide services to the public.
- Federal grants: funds given to state and local governments by the federal government for specific purposes or programs.
- Incorporation Doctrine: the legal principle that applies certain provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states through the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.
- Mandate: a requirement or directive from the federal government that the states must follow, often accompanied by funding.
- Matching funds: money given by the federal government to the states that must be matched by a certain percentage of state funds.
- No Child Left Behind: federal legislation that aimed to improve education by setting high standards and holding schools accountable for student performance.
- Revenue sharing: a policy where the federal government distributes tax revenue to state and local governments to fund their operations.
- Sovereignty: the supreme power or authority of a governing body within a specific territory.
- States’ Rights: the political powers held by individual US states rather than the federal government, as outlined in the 10th Amendment.