Select the simile in the passage.

1. Mrs. Sylvester was the secretary at Clarke Family Insurance.
2. Mrs. Sylvester's voice was very high-pitched.
3. She sounded like a cartoon bird when she talked, and this made everything she said seem ridiculous and possible—both things at the same time.
4. When Raymie told Mrs. Sylvester that she was going to enter the Little Miss Central Florida Tire contest, Mrs. Sylvester had clapped her hands together and said, "What a wonderful idea. Have some candy corn."

From Kate DiCamillo, Raymie Nightingale. Copyright 2016 by Kate DiCamillo
1 point
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
Sentence 3
Sentence 4

Sentence 3: She sounded like a cartoon bird when she talked, and this made everything she said seem ridiculous and possible—both things at the same time.