A)What is a theme? (1 point) Responses a general idea of what has happened in a story a general idea of what has happened in a story the explicit ideas an author shares in a story the explicit ideas an author shares in a story the turning point in a story the turning point in a story a message or lesson in a story a message or lesson in a story

A theme in literature refers to the underlying message or lesson that the author wants to convey to the readers. It is a general idea or concept that is explored throughout the story and often reflects on human experiences, values, and emotions. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) A message or lesson in a story

A)What is a main idea? (1 point) Responses a lesson that is not stated in a text a lesson that is not stated in a text an action that leads to the main event in a text an action that leads to the main event in a text a short statement of the main events of a text a short statement of the main events of a text a concept introduced in the middle of a text

A main idea in literature refers to the central or most important concept or message that the author wants to convey in a text. It is a unifying theme or point of focus that helps to guide the overall meaning of the story. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) A short statement of the main events of a text.

A)How can the main idea of a text help a reader identify the theme?(1 point) Responses By identifying the main idea of a text, a reader will find the explicit statement that is the theme. By identifying the main idea of a text, a reader will find the explicit statement that is the theme. By determining the main events, a reader can understand what those characters are thinking. By determining the main events, a reader can understand what those characters are thinking. By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. By inferring the main idea of a text, a reader will understand what will happen next in the text.

By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events.