All exponential functions can be written in many forms. Write the function f, of, t, equals, 9100, left bracket, 1, point, 1, 5, right bracket, to the power t f(t)=9100(1.15)

in the form f, of, t, equals, a, e, start superscript, k, t, end superscriptf(t)=ae
. Round all coefficients to four decimal places.

The exponential function can be written as:

f(t) = a * e^(k*t)

Using the given values:
a = 9100
k = ln(1.15)

Rounding to four decimal places:
k ≈ 0.1398

So the function can be written as:
f(t) ≈ 9100 * e^(0.1398*t)