I want to dissolve my llc with my partner, who gets the website

I am not a lawyer, but I can provide you with some general information. When dissolving an LLC, how assets, including a website, will be divided typically depends on the ownership and any agreements established between the partners. Here are a few scenarios:

1. Equal Ownership: If both you and your partner have an equal ownership stake in the LLC and there are no specific agreements regarding the website, you may need to negotiate with your partner about how to divide the website. This could involve selling the website and dividing the proceeds equally or one partner buying out the other's share.

2. Majority Ownership: If one partner owns a larger percentage of the LLC, they may have more influence over who gets the website. However, it is still important to reach an agreement or negotiate on the website's distribution, keeping in mind the other partner's rights and potential compensation for their investment.

3. Partnership Agreement: If you have a partnership agreement or an operating agreement that specifically addresses the distribution of LLC assets, including the website, you should refer to the provisions outlined in those documents. These could provide guidance on how the website will be divided or transferred to one partner.

It's highly recommended to consult with a business attorney who can guide you through the process and provide advice based on your specific circumstances and any contracts or agreements in place.