What roles are played by the female characters in Homer's Odyssey? Describe two female characters including their traits and roles they played in your explanation of the overall portrayal of women. Be sure to consider the selections of the epic that had male characters as protagonists.

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In Homer's Odyssey, female characters hold significant roles and their portrayal offers insights into the value and power they possess within the context of the epic. Two such female characters are Penelope and Circe.

Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, displays traits of loyalty, intelligence, and cunning. Throughout the entire epic, she remains faithful to her husband despite his prolonged absence. Penelope is depicted as a supplicant, surrounded by suitors who are vying for her hand in marriage. Her role is that of an object of desire and possession, but she cleverly navigates this position to retain control. Penelope employs various strategies, such as delaying tactics and riddles, to stall the suitors. This portrayal highlights her agency and intelligence, as she manipulates the situation to her advantage. Penelope's role showcases the power of women in influencing and guiding events, even when they are confined to a subordinate position.

On the other hand, Circe is a powerful sorceress who exerts control and dominance over men. She displays traits of seductiveness, cunning, and the ability to manipulate. Circe captures Odysseus and his men on her island and turns them into pigs. However, Odysseus resists her enchantments and becomes her lover. This portrayal of a woman overpowering men, reversing their roles of dominance, challenges the traditional gender dynamics prevalent in ancient Greek society. Circe's role highlights the potential for women to possess supernatural abilities and exert control over men.

These two characters offer a complex portrayal of women in the Odyssey. While Penelope remains an object of desire and possession, she exhibits intelligence and agency within her limited scope. On the other hand, Circe possesses immense power and control over men, transcending the submissive image of women in ancient Greek society. These portrayals demonstrate the multifaceted nature of women, showcasing their ability to maneuver and influence events, whether through intellect or supernatural abilities. Homer's choice to include these female characters as protagonists provides a nuanced view of women's capacities and challenges societal expectations of gender roles.