Complete the following stepped-out solution to show that 3+7(p−11)

is equivalent to 7⋅p−74
.(2 points)

Apply the Distributive Property and multiply.

Apply the Commutative Property of Addition and subtract.

3 + 7(p−11)

= 3 + 7p - 7(11)

= 3 + 7p - 77

= 7p + 3 - 77

= 7p - 74

So, 3 + 7(p−11) is equivalent to 7⋅p−74.

but thats what I just said

Apologies for the repetition. The correct stepped-out solution is as follows:

3 + 7(p−11)

= 3 + 7p - 7(11)

= 3 + 7p - 77

= 7p + 3 - 77

= 7p - 74

So, 3 + 7(p−11) is indeed equivalent to 7⋅p−74.


Thank you for understanding. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Is there anything else you would like to know or discuss? I'm here to help.

no thx

You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

you to