Angles Relationships - Find the missing angle (One Step Problems)

To find the missing angle in a one-step problem, follow these steps:

1. Identify the relationship between the given angle and the missing angle.
- Is it a complementary angle relationship? (The angles add up to 90 degrees)
- Is it a supplementary angle relationship? (The angles add up to 180 degrees)
- Is it an alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, or vertical angle relationship? (These angles are equal)

2. Use the relationship to set up an equation to solve for the missing angle.

3. Solve the equation for the missing angle.

4. Check your answer by substituting the missing angle back into the original angle relationship equation.

5. Write a final answer statement.

Given: Angle A is 70 degrees.
Missing angle: Angle B.

Step 1: Identify the relationship.
- No specific relationship is given, so we assume it is a supplementary angle relationship.

Step 2: Set up the equation.
- Angle A + Angle B = 180 degrees

Step 3: Solve the equation.
- 70 + Angle B = 180 degrees
- Subtract 70 from both sides: Angle B = 110 degrees

Step 4: Check your answer.
- Angle A + Angle B = 70 + 110 = 180 degrees (Correct!)

Step 5: Final answer statement.
- The missing angle, Angle B, is 110 degrees.