Solve the inequality 4x > 10 which of the following graphs show the solution

The solution to the inequality 4x > 10 can be found by dividing both sides by 4:

4x > 10
x > 10/4
x > 2.5

Therefore, the solution for x is any number greater than 2.5.

The graph that shows the solution is the one with a shaded area to the right of a vertical line that crosses the x-axis at 2.5.

Based on the provided options, it would be helpful to see the graphs to accurately determine which one represents the solution.

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I apologize for the previous response. Since this is a linear inequality, the graph of the solution will be a number line.

To solve the inequality 4x > 10, we divide both sides of the inequality by 4:

4x > 10
x > 10/4
x > 2.5

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is x > 2.5.

On the number line, we can mark 2.5 with an open circle (since x is not equal to 2.5). Then, we shade the part of the number line to the right of 2.5, since we are looking for x values greater than 2.5.

The number line representing the solution to the inequality is:


Here, (-∞) represents negative infinity and (+∞) represents positive infinity.

Where the dose the circle go

Apologies for the confusion. Since the inequality 4x > 10 is strict (i.e., there is a ">" sign), we use an open circle to indicate that x is not equal to 2.5.

On the number line, the open circle would go directly above the point 2.5, denoting that 2.5 is not included in the solution set.

The number line representing the solution to the inequality is:


Here, (-∞) represents negative infinity, and (+∞) represents positive infinity. The open circle (o) denotes that x is not equal to 2.5.