why might cutting down trees increase global warming?

tree soak up carbon dioxide and removing them causes more carbon to stay int eh atmosphere
trees absorbs the sun energy without radiating back into the atmosphere
trees provide shade which contracts global warming

The reasoning behind why cutting down trees may increase global warming is as follows:

1. Reduction in carbon absorption: Trees play a crucial role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. By cutting down trees, the amount of carbon dioxide they can absorb decreases. This leads to higher levels of carbon dioxide remaining in the atmosphere, which is a significant greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.

2. Increased carbon emissions: When trees are cut down, they release the stored carbon back into the atmosphere through the process of decomposition or burning. This additional release of carbon dioxide further contributes to global warming as it adds to the total greenhouse gas concentration.

3. Loss of shade and cooling effect: Trees provide shade and help cool the environment through a process known as evapotranspiration. They absorb sunlight without radiating it back into the atmosphere, which helps to lower temperatures. By cutting down trees, there is a reduction in shade, leading to increased sunlight absorption and subsequently raising temperatures, contributing to global warming.

Therefore, cutting down trees ultimately results in reduced carbon absorption, increased carbon emissions, and the loss of the cooling effects provided by trees, all of which contribute to the overall increase in global warming.