How were the religion and the government of the Maya connected?

(4 points)

1) The religion of the Maya heavily influenced their government structure. The Maya believed that their rulers were divinely chosen and had direct connections to the gods. Therefore, the government was seen as a reflection of the religious hierarchy and the ruler was considered both a political and religious leader.

2) Religion played a significant role in governance, as rituals and ceremonies were held to appease the gods and ensure the prosperity and well-being of the people. The ruler acted as an intermediary between the gods and the people, communicating their desires and receiving divine guidance.

3) The Maya government had a division of power between the civil and religious authorities. The religious authority, including high priests, had a separate and important role in decision-making and governance. They were responsible for performing rituals, maintaining temples, and ensuring spiritual well-being.

4) The government also regulated the religious practices of the Maya, including the construction and maintenance of religious structures, the organization of ceremonies and festivals, and the recruitment and training of priests. The ruler had the authority to oversee religious affairs and make decisions that impacted religious practices.

Overall, the government and religion of the Maya were interconnected, with religious beliefs and rituals shaping the political structure and the ruler's authority acting as a link between the divine and the people.