During the groups three visits to the clearing, what happens?

During the three visits to the clearing, several things may happen. The specific events that occur can depend on the context of the story or the purpose of the visits. However, here are some possible scenarios:

1. Exploration and discovery: During the first visit, the group might explore the clearing and discover interesting elements within it. They may find unique plants, animals, or landmarks. This could serve as an introduction to the setting and create a sense of wonder for the characters and readers.

2. Suspense and mystery: On the second visit, the group might notice strange occurrences or signs of an unknown presence. There could be mysterious footprints, missing items, or odd sounds coming from the surrounding woods. This could build up tension and intrigue, leaving the characters and readers wondering who or what is responsible.

3. Resolution and revelation: During the final visit, the group may uncover the truth behind the clearing's mysteries. They might stumble upon an old journal, meet a local who knows its secrets, or piece together clues that lead to a significant revelation. This could bring closure to the storyline or set the stage for new developments in the plot.

4. Character development: Throughout the visits, the characters may also go through their own personal journeys. They might confront their fears, deepen their bonds with each other, or experience transformative moments of self-discovery. This character development can add depth and emotional resonance to the story.

Ultimately, the events that happen during the three visits to the clearing will depend on the goals of the narrative and the themes being explored.