Solve the inequality and graph the solution.

15 + 17c ≤ –2

To solve the inequality, we will first isolate the variable c.

15 + 17c ≤ -2

Subtract 15 from both sides:

17c ≤ -2 - 15

17c ≤ -17

Now divide both sides by 17:

c ≤ -1

The solution to the inequality is c ≤ -1.

To graph the solution, we will draw a number line and shade the part of the line that represents c ≤ -1. Since -1 is included in the solution, we will use a closed circle when graphing.

On the number line, mark a point at -1 and draw a closed circle at that point. Then shade to the left of that point, representing all values of c less than or equal to -1.

The graph of the solution is as follows:


c -1