How does the central idea of a story differ from its theme?(1 point)


The central idea focuses on a message about life.
The central idea focuses on a message about life.

The central idea does not convey a universal message.
The central idea does not convey a universal message.

The central idea can apply to other stories.
The central idea can apply to other stories.

The central idea cannot be repeated across cultures.
The central idea cannot be repeated across cultures.

The correct response is:

The central idea focuses on a message about life.

The central idea is the main focus or main point of a story. It is the key message or lesson that the author is trying to convey to the reader. On the other hand, the theme of a story is a broader, more universal idea or concept that can be applied to various situations or stories. It is the deeper meaning or underlying message that the reader can take away from the story. The central idea is specific to the story itself, while the theme is more general and can be found in other stories or even in real life.