Names of baby boys and their meanings

1. Liam - means "resolute protector" in Irish.

2. Noah - means "comfort" or "peace" in Hebrew.
3. Ethan - means "strong" or "enduring" in Hebrew.
4. Oliver - means "olive tree" in Latin.
5. Aiden - means "little fire" in Irish.
6. Benjamin - means "son of the right hand" in Hebrew.
7. Henry - means "ruler of the home" in German.
8. Matthew - means "gift of Yahweh" in Hebrew.
9. James - means "supplanter" in Hebrew.
10. Samuel - means "name of God" in Hebrew.
11. Daniel - means "God is my judge" in Hebrew.
12. William - means "resolute protector" in Germanic.
13. Michael - means "who is like God?" in Hebrew.
14. Joseph - means "may he add" in Hebrew.
15. Alexander - means "defender of men" in Greek.
16. David - means "beloved" in Hebrew.
17. Benjamin - means "son of the right hand" in Hebrew.
18. Christopher - means "bearer of Christ" in Greek.
19. Andrew - means "manly" in Greek.
20. Anthony - means "priceless one" in Latin.