What rank is below hashira in demon slayer

In the Demon Slayer series, there is no official rank below the Hashira. The Hashira are the Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps and are considered the highest-ranking members. They are followed by the Demon Slayers known as Tsuguko, who are personally assigned by the Hashira and serve as their direct apprentices. However, Tsuguko is more of a designated role rather than a separate rank.

Name all ranks

In the Demon Slayer series, the ranks within the Demon Slayer Corps are as follows:

1. Hashira: The top-ranking members of the Demon Slayer Corps, also known as the Pillars. There are nine Hashira in total, each with their own specialized skills and expertise.

2. Tsuguko: Personal apprentices of the Hashira. They are specifically chosen by a Hashira to serve as their direct protege and learn from them.

3. Kōtō: The rank given to newly graduated Demon Slayers. They are considered low-ranking members and have just started their training.

4. Kanoe-ranked Demon Slayers: A rank given to Demon Slayers who have passed their final selection and have started developing their skills.

5. Mizunoto: Lower-ranked members of the Demon Slayer Corps. They have completed their basic training but are still in the early stages of becoming skilled Demon Slayers.

It is important to note that there may be other roles and titles within the Demon Slayer Corps that have not been explicitly mentioned in the series.