What is the measurement of C if C= (2,2) of the image is rotated 305 degrees clockwise

To find the new coordinates of the point C(2,2) after rotating it 305 degrees clockwise, we can use the following formula:

x' = x * cos(theta) + y * sin(theta)
y' = -x * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta)

Let's plug in the values for point C(2,2) and the angle of rotation theta = 305 degrees:

x' = 2 * cos(305) + 2 * sin(305)
y' = -2 * sin(305) + 2 * cos(305)

Now, let's calculate the values using a calculator or software:

x' ≈ -1.610
y' ≈ -2.087

Therefore, the new coordinates of C after rotating it 305 degrees clockwise are approximately (-1.610, -2.087).