Todd watched a race car drive in circles around the track. He listened to the car's loud roar. It slowed down as it came off the track. Todd walked up to the car when it stopped. He could feel heat from the car as he stood close to it. Which observation provides Todd with the best evidence that a race car is a nonliving thing?(1 point)


The observation that provides Todd with the best evidence that a race car is a nonliving thing is the fact that it slowed down as it came off the track. Living things have the ability to move on their own and maintain a certain level of activity, while non-living things do not possess such characteristics.

Matt noticed the plants in his flowerbed were drooping. After it rained, he noticed that the plants were standing straighter. Which characteristic of a living thing did Matt observe?(1 point)


The characteristic of a living thing that Matt observed is the ability to respond to external stimuli. The plants in his flowerbed drooped due to a lack of water, but stood straighter after it rained, indicating that they were able to respond and adapt to their surroundings.

Matt noticed the plants in his flowerbed were drooping. After it rained, he noticed that the plants were standing straighter. Which characteristic of a living thing did Matt observe?(1 point)


keeping stable body conditions
keeping stable body conditions


growth and development
growth and development

taking resources from the environment

The characteristic of a living thing that Matt observed is "keeping stable body conditions." The plants in his flowerbed were drooping due to a lack of water, but after it rained, they stood straighter, indicating that they were able to maintain a stable body condition in response to the change in water availability.

Keiko takes a video of a nearby river during each season. Which part of the video proves that the river is nonliving?(1 point)


Parts of the river move quickly.
Parts of the river move quickly.

The river grew larger when it flooded in the spring.
The river grew larger when it flooded in the spring.

Part of the river changed in winter when it froze.
Part of the river changed in winter when it froze.

The river requires no resources to exist.

The part of the video that proves that the river is nonliving is "Part of the river changed in winter when it froze." The freezing and changing state of the river indicates a physical process that is characteristic of nonliving things, rather than a living organism.