how to access form 1099G on California edd website?

To access form 1099G on the California EDD (Employment Development Department) website, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the California EDD website. You can find it at

2. On the homepage, look for the "UI Online" button and click on it. UI Online is the EDD's online system for managing unemployment benefits.

3. You will be directed to the UI Online login page. If you have already registered for a UI Online account, sign in with your username and password. If not, you will need to create an account by clicking on the "Register" button.

4. Once you are logged in to UI Online, locate the "Forms and Publications" section. This can typically be found in the main menu or sidebar of the UI Online dashboard.

5. In the Forms and Publications section, search for the form 1099G. You may need to browse through the available documents or use the search functionality provided on the site.

6. When you find the form 1099G, click on it to access and view the document. The form will typically be available in a PDF format that you can download, save, and/or print for your records.

7. Review the form 1099G to view the details of your unemployment benefits and any taxes withheld. This form is usually issued by the EDD at the end of the year and is used for tax reporting purposes.

Note: If you encounter any difficulties in locating or accessing the form 1099G on the California EDD website, it is recommended to contact the EDD directly for further assistance.