Tim and Tom are trying to earn money to buy a new game system over a 3-month period. Tim saved $45.98 each month. If they need a total of $213.03 to buy the game system, how much does Tom need to earn each of the 3 months in order to buy the game system?

A. $137.94
B. $167.05
C. $25.03
D. $75.09

Let's call the amount that Tom needs to earn each month x.

Tom will save x dollars each month for 3 months, so Tom will save a total of 3x dollars.

Tim saves $45.98 each month for 3 months, so Tim saves a total of 3 * $45.98 = $137.94.

The total amount that both Tim and Tom will save is $137.94 + 3x.

We know that this total amount is equal to $213.03, so we can write the equation:

$137.94 + 3x = $213.03.

To solve for x, we need to subtract $137.94 from both sides of the equation:

3x = $213.03 - $137.94 = $75.09.

Now we divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x:

x = $75.09 / 3 = $25.03.

Therefore, Tom needs to earn $25.03 each of the 3 months in order to buy the game system.

So the correct answer is option C. $25.03.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's try solving it correctly:

Tim saves $45.98 each month for 3 months, so he saves a total of $45.98 * 3 = $137.94.

Tom needs to earn the remaining amount to reach a total of $213.03. So, Tom needs to earn $213.03 - $137.94 = $75.09.

Since Tom needs to earn this amount over 3 months, he needs to earn $75.09 / 3 = $25.03 each month.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. $25.03.