use the order of operation to simplify 72 devided by 12 plus 26 - 8*3

To simplify the expression following the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction), you need to perform the operations in the correct order.

Start by performing any multiplication or division:
72 รท 12 equals 6.

Therefore, the expression becomes:
6 + 26 - 8 * 3.

Next, perform the multiplication:
8 * 3 equals 24.

Now, the expression becomes:
6 + 26 - 24.

Finally, perform the addition and subtraction:
6 + 26 equals 32, and 32 - 24 equals 8.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8.