R1=4 ohm

R2=3 ohm
Find the in series cercuit
and RT

To find the values in the series circuit, we can use Ohm's Law and the rules for series circuits.

1. Voltage (V1) across resistor R1:
V1 = V = 12V

2. Voltage (V2) across resistor R2:
V2 = V = 12V

3. Current (I1) through resistor R1:
I1 = V1 / R1
= 12V / 4 ohm
= 3A

4. Current (I2) through resistor R2:
I2 = V2 / R2
= 12V / 3 ohm
= 4A

5. Equivalent resistance (RT) of the series circuit:
RT = R1 + R2
= 4 ohm + 3 ohm
= 7 ohm

Therefore, the values in the series circuit are:
V1 = 12V
V2 = 12V
I1 = 3A
I2 = 4A
RT = 7 ohm