Silvio's gross earnings for last week were​ $528.54. His remuneration consists of a base salary of​ $480 plus a commission of​ 6% on net sales exceeding his weekly quota of​ $5000. What were​ Silvio's gross sales for the week

Let's assume Silvio's gross sales for the week were x dollars.

His commission on net sales exceeding his quota of $5000 is 6% of (x - $5000).

So his commission can be calculated as 0.06 * (x - $5000).

Since his gross earnings were $528.54, that includes his base salary of $480 as well as his commission.

Therefore, we can set up the equation: $528.54 = $480 + 0.06 * (x - $5000).

Simplifying the equation: $528.54 = $480 + 0.06x - $300.

Combining like terms: $528.54 = 0.06x + $180.

Subtracting $180 from both sides: $528.54 - $180 = 0.06x.

Simplifying: $348.54 = 0.06x.

Dividing both sides by 0.06: x = $5810.

Therefore, Silvio's gross sales for the week were $5810.