Q. Write a fully developed paragraph that contrasts the effects of war in two of the following works: "Cranes," "Thoughts of Hanoi," and "Tokyo."

Copy/paste/[fill-in]: The works of “Cranes,” “Thoughts of Hanoi,” and “Tokyo” each investigate the effects of war; however, the selections are different. Firstly, in “Cranes,” war is addressed in the passage when [...] (page number). Secondly, in “Thoughts of Hanoi,” war is dealt with in the passage when [...] (page number). Thirdly, in “Tokyo,” war is an issue in the text when [...] (page number). Overall, these works tackled the same subject, but differently.

The works of "Cranes," "Thoughts of Hanoi," and "Tokyo" each investigate the effects of war; however, the selections are different. Firstly, in "Cranes," war is addressed in the passage when the two childhood friends, one a North Korean soldier and the other a South Korean farmer, face each other in a tense encounter. The story emphasizes the personal connection between the characters and the emotional toll war takes on them, highlighting the lasting impact on individuals caught in the conflict. On the other hand, in "Thoughts of Hanoi," war is dealt with in the passage when the author reflects on the scars left by the Vietnam War, capturing the collective memories and trauma of a nation ravaged by conflict. The emphasis here is on the broader societal and cultural effects of war, illustrating how it shapes the identity and consciousness of an entire community. Lastly, in "Tokyo," war is an issue in the text when the protagonist, a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, grapples with the devastating aftermath and the physical and psychological scars it has left behind. The focus is on the individual suffering caused by war, highlighting the deep personal losses and long-lasting trauma endured by those directly affected. Overall, these works tackled the same subject but presented different perspectives, from the personal connection between individuals in the midst of war to the broader societal and individual consequences, shedding light on the multifaceted impacts of war.