Explain five measures government can use to curb the use of drugs among youth in Nigeria

1. Education and awareness campaigns: The government can launch extensive educational programs to raise awareness among youth about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse. This can include workshops, seminars, and public service announcements that provide accurate information about the risks associated with drug use.

2. Strengthening drug laws and enforcement: The government can introduce stricter drug laws and increase the penalties for drug offenses. They can also enhance law enforcement efforts to crack down on drug dealers and suppliers, thereby creating a deterrent effect on youth involvement in drug activities.

3. Rehabilitation and treatment programs: The government can establish and fund rehabilitation centers and treatment programs specifically designed for youth struggling with drug addiction. These programs should provide comprehensive support, including counseling, therapy, and vocational training, to help young individuals recover from addiction and reintegrate back into society.

4. Collaboration with schools and parents: The government can work closely with schools to develop drug prevention programs and integrate them into the curriculum. They can also engage parents through workshops and support groups to equip them with the knowledge and skills required to identify signs of drug abuse and intervene early.

5. Enhancing access to recreational facilities and extracurricular activities: The government can invest in the development of recreational facilities and provide more opportunities for organized sports and other extracurricular activities. By offering alternatives to drug use, such as engaging in sports or hobbies, the government can help divert young individuals' attention away from drugs and provide them with healthier outlets for their energy and interests.