Sammie bought a 10 2/5 foot long board to make birdhouses if each birdhouse uses 1 3/10 feet how many birdhouses can she make

To solve this problem, we need to divide the length of the board by the length used by each birdhouse.

The length of the board is 10 2/5 feet.

Convert 10 2/5 feet to an improper fraction:
=52/5 feet.

The length used by each birdhouse is 1 3/10 feet.

Convert 1 3/10 feet to an improper fraction:
=13/10 feet.

Now we can divide the length of the board by the length used by each birdhouse:
52/5 ÷ 13/10

When dividing fractions, we flip the second fraction and multiply:
52/5 × 10/13

= (52 × 10) / (5 × 13)
= 520/65
= 8

Therefore, Sammie can make 8 birdhouses out of the board.