Show me the 9 regions of the abdominal cavity!

The 9 regions of the abdominal cavity are as follows:

1. Epigastric region: It is located in the upper middle part of the abdomen, just below the sternum (breastbone).

2. Left hypochondriac region: This region is found on the left side of the abdomen, beneath the cartilage of the lower ribs.

3. Right hypochondriac region: It is similar to the left hypochondriac region but found on the right side of the abdomen.

4. Umbilical region: The umbilical region is situated around the umbilicus (belly button) in the center of the abdomen.

5. Left lumbar region: It is located on the left side of the umbilical region, towards the middle of the body.

6. Right lumbar region: Similar to the left lumbar region, it is found on the right side of the umbilical region.

7. Hypogastric region: This region is positioned in the lower middle part of the abdomen, just above the pubic bone.

8. Left iliac (inguinal) region: It is on the left side of the hypogastric region, near the hip bone.

9. Right iliac (inguinal) region: Similar to the left iliac region, it is located on the right side of the hypogastric region, near the hip bone.

These nine regions are commonly used in medical and anatomical discussions to describe the location of various organs or structures within the abdominal cavity.