Two angles are supplementary and have measures m∠QRS=(x+40)° and m∠SRT=x° . What is the measure of ∠QRS ?(1 point)

The sum of two supplementary angles is 180 degrees. So we have:

m∠QRS + m∠SRT = 180 degrees

Substituting the given measures:

(x + 40) + x = 180

Combining like terms:

2x + 40 = 180

Subtracting 40 from both sides:

2x = 140

Dividing by 2:

x = 70

Therefore, m∠QRS = x + 40 = 70 + 40 = <<70+40=110>>110 degrees.


Apologies for the mistake.

Let's use the fact that two angles are supplementary if their measures add up to 180 degrees.

m∠QRS + m∠SRT = 180

(x + 40) + x = 180

2x + 40 = 180

Subtracting 40 from both sides:

2x = 140

Dividing by 2:

x = 70

Now, we can substitute the value of x back into the equation to find m∠QRS:

m∠QRS = x + 40

m∠QRS = 70 + 40

m∠QRS = 110

Therefore, the measure of ∠QRS is 110 degrees.


Apologies again for the mistake.

Since two angles are supplementary, their measures add up to 180 degrees.

Therefore, we have:

m∠QRS + m∠SRT = 180

(x + 40) + x = 180

2x + 40 = 180

Subtracting 40 from both sides:

2x = 140

Dividing by 2:

x = 70

Now, let's substitute the value of x back into the equation to find m∠QRS:

m∠QRS = x + 40

m∠QRS = 70 + 40

m∠QRS = 110

Therefore, the measure of ∠QRS is 110 degrees.

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