Who was involved in the 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre (Riot)? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

The 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre, also known as the Atlanta Race Riot, involved various people and groups who were either directly involved or affected by the event. Here are some of the key individuals and groups involved:

1. African Americans: The African American community in Atlanta was directly affected by the violence and destruction of the riot. Many African Americans were attacked, their homes and businesses were burned, and several were killed during the event.

2. White Supremacists: Prominent white supremacist organizations and individuals such as the Atlanta Ku Klux Klan played a significant role in inciting and escalating the violence. They believed in the ideals of racial segregation and sought to maintain white dominance in society.

3. Local Police and Militia: Local law enforcement officers, including the Atlanta Police Department, and the Georgia National Guard, were involved in attempting to control the riot. However, their actions were often biased, as they disproportionately targeted and arrested African Americans.

4. Atlanta's White Residences: Many white residents of Atlanta participated in the violence. They launched attacks, burned down African American-owned businesses and homes, and indiscriminately targeted African Americans. Some actively supported white supremacist ideologies.

5. Media: Newspapers such as The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Constitution played a controversial role during the riot. While some journalists attempted to report objectively, others fueled the racial tensions by publishing sensationalized stories and perpetuating negative stereotypes about African Americans.

6. Community Leaders: Certain community leaders, both white and black, played critical roles during the event. For instance, black pastor William J. White actively worked to de-escalate tensions and protect African American citizens. White civic leader and future mayor, Walter A. Sims, advocated for racial harmony in the aftermath of the riot.

7. Business Owners: African American business owners were disproportionately affected by the riot, as many of their establishments were destroyed or looted. They faced significant financial losses and rebuilding challenges following the event.

It is important to note that the Atlanta Race Massacre was a result of deeply rooted racial tensions and systemic racism prevalent in the United States during that time. The event had a profound impact on the African American community in Atlanta and highlighted the ongoing struggle for racial equality in the country.