Write the planning of narrative essay based on the topic " Family comes first"


I. Introduction
A. Hook: Family is the cornerstone of our lives.
B. Background: The concept of family and its importance.
C. Thesis statement: Family is irreplaceable and should always be prioritized.

II. The bond with immediate family members
A. Shared experiences and memories.
B. Unconditional love and support.
C. Dependence on each other during tough times.

III. Nurturing relationships with extended family members
A. Maintaining connections with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
B. Celebrating special occasions and holidays together.
C. Strengthening family ties and cultural heritage.

IV. Balancing work and family life
A. The challenge of managing time and responsibilities.
B. Re-evaluating priorities and making sacrifices.
C. Maintaining open communication and quality time.

V. Building a foundation for future generations
A. Passing down values, traditions, and wisdom.
B. Role modeling healthy relationships and values.
C. Creating a strong support system for future generations.

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of the importance of family.
B. Restate thesis statement: Family comes first.
C. Final thoughts: Cherish and prioritize family as it is the true source of happiness and support in our lives.