Exposition: (Tell me the setting of the story. Introduce the characters and tell me about them- what do they look like? What are some of their traits? Etc.)

Rising Action: (Tell me what the conflict of the story is- what is the problem that needs to be solved?)

Climax: (Tell me about what happens when the main character comes face-to-face with conflict of the story. How do they overcome it? Or how does the conflict overcome them?)

Falling Action: (Tell me about the aftermath of the main character’s battle with the conflict of the story)

Resolution: (Emphasize what issues have been solved and what issues have not. Are all of them solved and everyone lives happily ever after? Are none of them solved and the characters now live in chaos? Etc.)

25 sentences minimum; no sentence maximum.

Include vault boy


The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world, devastated by a nuclear war. The landscape is desolate, with crumbling buildings and contaminated land. The main character is Vault Boy, a young survivor who was lucky enough to find refuge in a well-equipped underground vault before the war. Vault Boy is described as having a cheerful yet determined attitude, sporting a bright blue jumpsuit with a yellow smiley face emblem. He has blond hair, a mischievous grin, and a perpetual thumbs-up gesture.

Rising Action:
The conflict arises when Vault Boy's vault suffers a catastrophic malfunction, forcing him to venture into the dangerous wasteland in search of a solution. The problem that needs to be solved is finding a replacement part for the malfunctioning nuclear reactor that powers the vault. Without it, the remaining survivors will be left without protection from the hostile environment and potential enemy factions.

Vault Boy bravely navigates the treacherous wasteland, encountering various dangers such as mutated creatures, looters, and unpredictable weather. Along the way, he faces a formidable group of raiders who possess the replacement part he needs. A fierce battle ensues, during which Vault Boy relies on his wits and resourcefulness to outsmart his adversaries. Through a combination of stealth, strategic use of weapons, and clever traps, he manages to secure the much-needed part.

Falling Action:
With the replacement part obtained, Vault Boy returns to the vault, repairing the malfunctioning reactor and restoring power. The aftermath of his battle with the raiders is felt throughout the wasteland, as their presence diminishes, and other survivors find hope in Vault Boy's success. The morale within the vault improves, and a sense of unity and determination prevails.

Although the issue of the malfunctioning reactor is solved, other challenges remain. The wasteland is still a dangerous place, and Vault Boy recognizes the need to find long-term solutions for the survival of his fellow vault dwellers. He becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration, leading expeditions to scout for resources, establish alliances with neighboring settlements, and ultimately work towards rebuilding a better world. While not all issues are fully resolved, the characters find solace and strength in their resilience and the support they now share.