What change did the Laundromat Project hope to bring about?

The Laundromat Project aims to bring about various changes through its work:

1. Community Engagement and Empowerment: The project seeks to empower and engage local communities, particularly those residing in low-income neighborhoods, by providing them with opportunities to create, learn, and connect. It aims to foster a sense of agency and self-advocacy among community members.

2. Arts Access and Appreciation: The project believes in the transformative power of the arts and aims to make art more accessible, inclusive, and relevant to communities of color. It hopes to increase art appreciation, create platforms for artists of color, and challenge traditional notions of who can be an artist or engage in artistic practices.

3. Neighborhood Revitalization: The Laundromat Project envisions vibrant and thriving neighborhoods. By investing in local laundromats as cultural hubs, the project aims to contribute to the revitalization of communities, promote economic opportunities, and build strong social connections among residents.

4. Social Justice and Equity: The project places a strong emphasis on addressing systemic inequalities and fostering social justice. It seeks to challenge oppressive structures and narratives, amplify marginalized voices, and create spaces for dialogue, healing, and understanding.

Overall, the Laundromat Project hopes to bring about positive social change by centering communities, promoting artistic expression, and addressing the intersecting issues of race, class, and social equity.