How were African leaders affected by Europeans in the Age of Exploration?(1 point) Responses Most African leaders were overthrown by Europeans, who set up their own rule. Most African leaders were overthrown by Europeans, who set up their own rule. ​​​​​​African leaders who sold enslaved people to Europeans became wealthy and powerful. ​​​​​​ African leaders who sold enslaved people to Europeans became wealthy and powerful. Many African leaders were converted to Christianity, and converted their people as well. Many African leaders were converted to Christianity, and converted their people as well. Many African leaders welcomed people of religions other than Christianity who were fleeing Christian persecution. Many African leaders welcomed people of religions other than Christianity who were fleeing Christian persecution.

Most African leaders were overthrown by Europeans, who set up their own rule. African leaders who sold enslaved people to Europeans became wealthy and powerful. Many African leaders were converted to Christianity, and converted their people as well. Many African leaders welcomed people of religions other than Christianity who were fleeing Christian persecution.