An argumentative essay on females should govern the country not males

Title: Females should Govern the Country, not Males: An Argumentative Essay


Throughout history, women have fought tenaciously for their rights and equal representation in all aspects of life. Despite progress in various fields, one area where women's representation still lags behind is politics. This essay argues that females should govern countries, not males, as they bring unique perspectives, tend to prioritize social welfare, and possess strong leadership qualities. Achieving gender equality in governance will promote a more inclusive and progressive society.


1. Unique perspectives:
Women bring unique perspectives and life experiences that differ from their male counterparts. A government led by females can better address issues that disproportionately affect women, such as gender-based violence, maternal health, and workplace discrimination. The female perspective is critical for crafting comprehensive policies that promote gender equality, protect women's rights, and ensure equal opportunities for all.

2. Prioritizing social welfare:
Historically, female leaders have demonstrated a stronger inclination towards social welfare and equality. Studies have shown that when more women occupy political positions, policies aimed at reducing poverty, improving education, and enhancing healthcare are prioritized. Empirical evidence suggests that female-led governments tend to exhibit greater empathy towards marginalized groups and emphasize policies aimed at promoting social justice.

3. Strong leadership qualities:
Over the years, numerous female leaders have proven their effectiveness and strong leadership qualities. Women exhibit traits such as collaboration, empathy, and the ability to build consensus, which are essential for effective governance. Female leaders like Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, and Kamala Harris have showcased their ability to lead with strength and integrity, making decisive decisions that benefit their countries and communities as a whole.

4. Inclusivity and diverse decision-making:
Male-dominated governments often lack gender diversity, perpetuating policies that may not adequately address the needs and concerns of women. By ensuring female representation in governance, decision-making becomes more inclusive and representative of society as a whole. This diversity encourages greater consideration of a broad range of perspectives, leading to more effective policies that benefit all citizens.


In conclusion, females should govern countries, not males, because they bring unique perspectives, prioritize social welfare, and possess strong leadership qualities. Gender equality in governance is vital for a truly inclusive and progressive society. It is essential to promote the empowerment of women, encourage their participation in politics, and break down the barriers that impede their progress. Only through female leadership can we strive towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all.