Questions to Ask Yourself

Planning My Goal
Long Term
Examples: Use test-taking strategies to bring up your grade in science class for the entire year. OR Attend college in order to become a doctor.

1. Why is achieving this goal important to me in the long term?

2. How will this goal positively impact my future career or personal life?
3. What specific steps or actions do I need to take to achieve this goal over an extended period of time?
4. What resources or support do I need to access in order to reach this goal?
5. How will I measure my progress towards this long-term goal?
6. Can I break this long-term goal into smaller, more manageable short-term goals?
7. How will I stay motivated and focused on this long-term goal?
8. Are there any potential obstacles or challenges I may face along the way, and how will I overcome them?
9. How will I celebrate or reward myself upon achieving this long-term goal?
10. Is this long-term goal aligned with my values and aspirations in life?