If there are two supplementary angles, ∠D

and ∠E
, where m∠D=(4x+8)° and m∠E=(x+17)° , and ∠F is a vertical angle with ∠D , what is the measure of ∠F ?

(1 point)

124 degrees

48 degrees

31 degrees

132 degrees
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To find the measure of angle F, we need to determine the value of x. Since angles D and E are supplementary, we have the equation:

m∠D + m∠E = 180°

Substituting the given measures, we get:

(4x + 8)° + (x + 17)° = 180°

Simplifying, we combine like terms:

5x + 25 = 180

Subtracting 25 from both sides:

5x = 155

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 31

Now that we have the value of x, we can find the measure of angle D:

m∠D = (4x + 8)° = (4(31) + 8)° = 132°

Since angle F is a vertical angle to angle D, it has the same measure:

m∠F = 132°

Therefore, the measure of angle F is 132 degrees.