(2×+3)(×-6) write an equation for these two supplementary angles explain how to solve the value of x find the measurement of each angle

To write an equation for the supplementary angles created by the expression (2×+3)(×-6), we need to set the expressions within the parentheses equal to each other.

(2×+3) = (×-6)

To solve for the value of x, we can use the distributive property and combine like terms:

2× + 3 = x - 6

Next, we can isolate the variable x by subtracting x from both sides of the equation and adding 6 to both sides:

2× - x = -9

Finally, we can divide both sides of the equation by 1 to simplify:

× = -9/(2-1)
× = -9/-1
× = 9

Now that we know the value of x is 9, we can substitute this value back into the original expression to find the measurement of each angle.

Angle 1: (2×+3) = (2(9)+3) = 21 degrees
Angle 2: (×-6) = (9-6) = 3 degrees

Hence, Angle 1 measures 21 degrees and Angle 2 measures 3 degrees.