the little mexican resturant sells only two kinds of beef burritos: Mucho beef and Mucho Mucho beef. Last weekend, the resturant sold 16 orders of the single mucho variety and 22 orders of the double mucho. If the resturant sold $231 worth of burritos last weekend, and the single mucho kind costs $1 less than the double mucho, how much did each type of burrito cost?

Let's assume the cost of a single Mucho beef burrito is $x.

Therefore, the cost of a double Mucho Mucho beef burrito would be $x + $1 (as it is mentioned that the single mucho kind costs $1 less than the double mucho).
Total 16 orders of single Mucho beef burritos cost 16 * $x = $16x
Total 22 orders of double Mucho Mucho beef burritos cost 22 * ($x + $1) = $22x + $22
The total cost of burritos sold last weekend is $231.
Therefore, $16x + $22x + $22 = $231
Combining like terms, we get $38x + $22 = $231
Subtracting $22 from both sides, we get $38x = $209
Dividing both sides by $38, we get x = $5.5
Therefore, a single Mucho beef burrito costs $5.5
And a double Mucho Mucho beef burrito costs $5.5 + $1 = $6.5