What do characters do for a story? (1 point)

Characters drive the story forward by participating in the events and conflicts that unfold throughout the narrative. They have goals, motivations, and desires that shape their actions and decisions, influencing the plot and creating tension and development. Characters also play a crucial role in establishing relationships, creating emotional connections with readers, and providing insights into themes and messages explored in the story.

• They reveal the setting. ,

• They help reveal the theme.
They create the action
They explain the plot

• Characters reveal the setting: Through their interactions and descriptions, characters can provide valuable information about the world and environment in which the story takes place. Their actions, dialogues, and reactions can help readers visualize and understand the setting.

• They help reveal the theme: Characters often embody and exemplify the themes explored in a story. Their beliefs, choices, and conflicts can serve as vehicles for expressing and exploring deeper ideas and messages conveyed by the author.

• They create the action: Characters are the driving force behind the events and actions that occur in a story. Their desires, conflicts, and decisions propel the plot forward and create tension and excitement.

• They explain the plot: Characters often provide crucial information and explanations that move the plot along. Through their thoughts, dialogues, and actions, they can shed light on the mysteries and conflicts of the story, helping readers understand the unfolding events.