a map has s scale of 2 in : 6 mi. If clayton and centerville are 10 in apart on the map then how far apart are the real cities?

To convert the distance between Clayton and Centerville on the map to the real distance between the cities, we need to use the scale of the map.

The scale of the map is given as 2 in : 6 mi. This means that for every 2 inches on the map, the actual distance is 6 miles.

If Clayton and Centerville are 10 inches apart on the map, we can set up a proportion to find the real distance between the cities:

2 inches on the map = 6 miles in reality
10 inches on the map = x miles in reality

Using a proportion: (2/10) = (6/x)

Cross-multiplying: 2x = 60
Dividing by 2: x = 30

Therefore, the real distance between Clayton and Centerville is 30 miles.