Oak grove and Salem are 87 mi from each other. How far apart would the cities be on a map that has scale of 5 in : 29 mi?

To find the distance between Oak Grove and Salem on the map, we can set up a proportion using the given scale.

Let x be the distance between Oak Grove and Salem on the map.

Using the proportion: 5 in / x = 29 mi / 87 mi

Cross-multiplying, we get:
x * 29 mi = 5 in * 87 mi

Dividing both sides by 29 mi, we get:
x = (5 in * 87 mi) / 29 mi

Calculating this expression:
x = (435 in * mi) / (29 mi)

Canceling out the mi units, we are left with:
x = 435 in / 29

Simplifying, we get:
x = 15 in

Therefore, the cities would be 15 inches apart on the map.