How do analogies help readers?

They help readers to better comprehend a plot
They help readers, analyze the relationship between words
They help readers identify figure language
They help readers understand definitions

All of the options provided are correct. Analogies can help readers in various ways:

1. Better comprehension of a plot: Analogies can be used to explain complex ideas or concepts by comparing them to more familiar ones. This can aid readers in understanding the plot or storyline of a narrative.

2. Analysis of the relationship between words: Analogies often involve comparing the relationship between two sets of words, such as "cat is to kitten as dog is to puppy." By analyzing these relationships, readers can develop a deeper understanding of word meanings and connections.

3. Identification of figurative language: Analogies can involve figurative language, such as similes and metaphors. By recognizing these comparisons, readers can identify and appreciate the use of figurative language in a text.

4. Understanding definitions: Analogies can be used to clarify or expand upon the meaning of a word. By comparing a target word to another word or concept, readers can gain a clearer understanding of its definition.