Why is it helpful to integrate information from multiple sources?(1 point) Responses to incorporate many small details into a whole to incorporate many small details into a whole to recognize information in different formats to recognize information in different formats to determine what various texts have in common to determine what various texts have in common to construct a comprehensive view of a topic

Integrating information from multiple sources is helpful because it allows us to incorporate many small details into a whole. This means that by gathering information from multiple sources, we can gather a larger breadth and depth of knowledge on a topic. Additionally, integrating information from different sources enables us to recognize information in different formats, such as text, images, videos, or data charts, which can provide a more holistic understanding of the topic. Furthermore, integrating information allows us to determine what various texts have in common, identify patterns, and detect inconsistencies or biases. Ultimately, integrating information from multiple sources helps us construct a comprehensive view of a topic by synthesizing different perspectives, evaluating and analyzing different pieces of information, and forming a more well-rounded understanding.