8am on Wednesday May 6, 2020 to 8am on Thursday May 7, 2020

City Temperature Relative Humidity Clouds Precipitation
Salem, OR Hi: 68°F
Low: 49°F
50% partly cloudy 1.2 inches
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Answer the following questions about the weather map and data in Salem, Oregon from
May 6 th to May 7 th .
• Describe the location of air masses around Salem, Oregon from May 6 th to 7 th .
• What type of weather is typically associated with the air pressure system located
near Salem?
• If this was the weather pattern over the last few days for Salem, how would you
compare the weather to what a friend that lives in Dallas, Texas is experiencing?

Based on the given information, we do not have specific details about the air masses around Salem, Oregon from May 6th to 7th. Without more information, we cannot accurately describe the location of air masses.

The type of weather typically associated with a low-pressure system, which is indicated by the 1.2 inches of precipitation in Salem, Oregon, is cloudy and possibly rainy conditions.

Without knowing the specific weather in Dallas, Texas during the same time period, we cannot make a direct comparison. However, based on the given data, it can be inferred that Salem, Oregon experienced partly cloudy conditions with significant precipitation, while Dallas, Texas could have had different weather conditions.

choose any temperature in dallas

Let's say the temperature in Dallas, Texas during the same time period was 85°F.