Read the short passage “The Reader.”

Imagine how the story might continue after Jorge enters the secret passageway.
Using 3rd person point of view, write an ending to this story. 3rd Person Point of View - Remember, you are speaking as the narrator, so use 3rd person pronouns like “he” and “his.”
Setting- Use sensory language to describe where the passageway leads.
Characterization- Create at least one character Jorge meets. Use sensory language & be descriptive!
Dialogue- Include a conversation between Jorge and the new character. (Must have at least 4 lines of dialogue, properly punctuated.)
Resolution & Conclusion- How does the story end?
Use active voice. Avoid using too many being verbs like is, was, were, etc.
3 paragraphs minimum (1- 2 pages, double-spaced)
Use proper spelling and conventions, including MLA Format.

As Jorge entered the secret passageway, the musty smell of old books and dust filled his nostrils. The narrow corridor was dimly lit by small, flickering candles along the walls. As he walked further, he could hear the faint sound of whispers and rustling paper, adding an eerie atmosphere to the mysterious path. The passageway twisted and turned, seeming to lead him deeper into the heart of the ancient library.

Finally, Jorge reached the end of the passageway and pushed open a heavy wooden door. To his surprise, he found himself in a lush, verdant garden filled with vibrant flowers and tall swaying trees. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating patterns of light and shadow on the ground. Birds chirped melodiously, adding a symphony to the serene scene.

As Jorge stood awe-struck, he noticed a figure approaching him. He was a tall man, dressed in a long, flowing cloak that seemed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. His eyes sparkled with wisdom and intrigue. "Welcome, Jorge," the man said, his voice resonating with warmth and mystery. "I am the Guardian of Knowledge. It is rare for someone to find their way here. What brings you to this enchanted garden?"

Jorge was taken aback, unsure how to respond. After a brief moment, he found his voice. "I have always been fascinated by books and stories. I wanted to find something extraordinary, something that would fulfill my thirst for knowledge."

The Guardian nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "You have come to the right place, my young friend. This garden is a sanctuary of forgotten tales and lost information. Here, you will find answers to questions you never even knew you had."

And so, Jorge spent countless hours in the enchanted garden, delving into the depths of wisdom and knowledge. He read books that had been long lost, discovering untold stories and forgotten histories. Through his conversations with the Guardian, his understanding of the world expanded and his curiosity was quenched.

Eventually, Jorge felt that he had learned all he could from the garden. As he bid farewell to the Guardian, he carried with him a newfound sense of purpose and a burning desire to share the knowledge he had gained with the world. Leaving the garden, he returned to his everyday life, determined to make a difference through the power of words and stories. For Jorge, the secret passageway was not just a means of escape, but a gateway to a world of unimaginable wonder and endless possibilities.

Can you add more detail to what Jorge studied?